
New Years Eve Fun!

New Years Eve we enjoyed some family time at the Rec Center. We have spent our New Years Eve there for 3 yrs now! Bill was too tired to attend as he worked since the night before at midnight! So I took the kiddos and met up with some friends there.
Adam with his buddy Jaben( he was a worker for the night) scary to think they are months apart in age!;)

Kedric enjoyed playing some basketball!

Jelena decided to help out the little ones in this bouncy obstacle course

Jelena's turn for fun!
Go Maryann
Go Adam

Me posing with Jordon, She did an awesome job on my face painting!
Rosalyn with her face painted...

Sara with her face painted...

Maryann and I
Kedric and Rosalyn sliding down the Obstacle course


me and my sweet kiddos....
all of us...
We enjoyed our New Year's Eve feast consisting of Bacon bites, Reubens, crab dip, veggies and dip, chips with cheese and salsa, and pop! We WERE going to have some fried food ( mozzarella sticks, onion rings, and cauliflower) But were too full. We decided as we got home at 12:30 Am it was time to break out the deep fryer! lol! Kids were thanking me to let them stay up so late! Well we only do this once a year! As it was going on 2 am I told them to hurry up, finish eating and get to bed!
We had lots of fun!

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Jodi said...


KC said...

seems like you enjoyed yourself.
to answer your question about the Sanat house, that is right down town Sandusky. we have been going there every year since Aubrie was about 2 years old maybe younger.

Tinsie said...

Sounds like a great way to see in the new year!