

My Big Tackle this week was the dreaded Coat Closet. This is how jammed it was, lets hope we are done with all the extra winter stuff! Here is the before look...
What a mess!
After much sorting, organizing, and unloading stuff we do not need or use, here is the after look...

myspace layout codes

I cannot take credit for installing this, That would be a disaster!:) But here is the old door. The outside was painted blue and the inside was white

We paid GOOD help to come and do it right, what a job! many hrs of the day and lots of money later...notice the framing is all off...we never had good suction with the door, now it won't leak air!

putting the framing back up...

closeup of the new door...

There it is! We love it!

What are you tackling today?

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Jodi said...

Great tackles!! I *love* your front door!!!

Needled Mom said...

The new door is absolutely gorgeous! How nice it is to have it done right so you won't have any leaks.

The closet looks wonderful too. That is a lot of work.

Angela said...

We too will be tackling our front door next month! Will definitely post photos!

Tinsie said...

Great tackles. Love the new door! All I did yesterday is iron 4 shirts and make chicken soup.

Shionge said...

Gosh...I'm not sure what I'll tackle but you sure motivate me Tina and nice door there I might just come knocking someday ;)