
Wordless wednesday- my silly cat Lucy

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Tina said...

Looks like the perfect addition to your display!

Needled Mom said...

GREAT hiding place!!!!

Jamie H said...

"I'm trying to blend in and look like a statue."

Sonora said...

I love cats. They do the funniest things. My cats used to climb into my dresser drawers anytime I left them open. That taught me to keep them closed, especially since I am allergic to them. Oh well...

Upstatemamma said...

Oh that is so so cute!! My cats do things like that too - I love it.

Tinsie said...

Hahaha! Nice one :-)

Shionge said...

Heheheh so cute, she likes to be on 'display' :D Now you have to reserve that slot for her only kekekekek....