
Purse Shopping...

I Have been needing a purse for a long time now and yet I can never find one I am really happy with!
I like the bigger ones so I can fit everything in them, BUT then I also can not find anything, my phone will finish ringing before I find it.
I like the smaller ones but they are not practical as I like to also have my coupon pouch and other items carried with me.
I also hate the purses with so many compartments as I never find anything either! So here it is, it was At last the perfect purse and in my favorite decor style! I LOVE the drawstring purses but they can be a pain to close and since Im bad at zipping my purses up this one is perfect!!!! I LOVE IT!

And even better, since I AM a bargain shopper I found it at a Good store ( Elder Beermans) at a great sale price! This was originally $65.00 for $20.00!
I still cannot get over how perfect it really is! It has a little zipper on the side and I have not lost anything in there yet;) Is it cute or what? It truely is the little things in life:)

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The Downing 5 said...

Cute Purse! It is definately you!

HLiza said...

Wow..I'm kind of envious here..! Love it!

Needled Mom said...

What a deal!!! It looks really cute too. I hate big purses for the same reason, but can't get by with a small one. SIGH!

Midlife Mom said...

Don't you just LOVE it when you find just the right purse?!!!! That one is just adorable and perfect for you! Also you gotta love a good sale price!!!!!

That cheesecake on your WW made my hips widen about four inches just looking at it!!! :o)

Jodi said...

Cute!! I love purse shopping! You should see my bin of purses, it drives my hubby and youngest insane! LOL

Shionge said...

This is so you Tina and it suits your personality perfectly :D

Yes.....little things do matter :D