That is a great desk! Looks really good in your home!
Glad you got to go to the game. They are fun aren't they?! We are going to see the Red Sox and Yankees on the 20th at Boston with two of our neices. Should be fun but I hope it's warm!!!!
I am The Palm Tree fanatic! Thats right I LOVE palm trees and any place tropical is where I should be!;) I LOVE Jesus Christ! I have 3 Wonderful Children 2 boys and a girl with an awesome Husband Bill that has made it all happen! I am also a hairdresser for 20 yrs now! life flies quickly by! Enjoy the moment!
Love the new desk!!!
What a beautiful tackle!!
That is a great desk! Looks really good in your home!
Glad you got to go to the game. They are fun aren't they?! We are going to see the Red Sox and Yankees on the 20th at Boston with two of our neices. Should be fun but I hope it's warm!!!!
Cozy I know where you are blogging over at your house :D
That looks great and is probably much more accessible for you.
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