1 Week ago today I bit the bullet and bought 4 of us new cell phones! This is a 1st experience for my older 2 kids to have one. I held off as long as I could and with working full time this summer I thought It would be a good time to start with them. They have already come in handy. They are now texting pros and well I am still slow, lol! 3 of the 4 of us got Samsung realities. They are touch screen, AND they have the pull out qwerty board.

Cool!!! I am so slow in using all the functions only the kids can do better than us :D
Yay! I have Verizon as well. I want one of the phones with the slide out keyboard, but have to wait until Jan to up grade my phone. I am not a fan of texting, but at times that is the only way I can get ahold of my hubby.
I take my cell phone with me when I go horseback riding by myself as I go quite a ways from the house. Today I lost my phone! I kept going anyhow and came back when I was ready, put my horse out to pasture and then went to look for my phone. Can you believe I found it!!!??? It is silver so it kind of was shining in the sun! Yea!
I am sooooooo glad that the girls are okay and not hurt badly in the car accident! I hope Jelena's neck is okay and just a bit of whiplash, nothing more. You must have been so scared to get that phone call! The girls all looked so pretty in their dance clothes.
I have to learn how to text! I think I am the last one in my generation to not know how to text! I will not text while driving though, I see so many people doing that and it is so dangerous.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend with your family!!!
Hope you have a wonderful holiday
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