
Weekend Recap

Weekend In Review

Friday night was quite a night! My daughter called me at work as I was cleaning up, she was so excited to be going to her 1st dance! While waiting to get ready the 4 girls were hanging out at J's house and her mom took them all to walmart to get stuff to eat! As they were heading home, they were stopped in traffic and this car full of teenage boys rammed into them! I got there as Soon as I possibly could to see the damage and pick her up! The girls were all fine but the mom (driver) not so much! She was too dizzy to get out of the car, so they put her on a stretcher into the ambulance which she ended up going to a further away hospital with back, head, & neck injuries! She Finally was released to come home TODAY!

J's car! The girls were all fine except Jelena complaining about her neck now!J (far left) was pretty upset about her mom but everyone made the best of it, so they could continue with the dance which they were all so looking foreward too! Here's the pretty girls all ready to go!

My son who had to leave before I got home from work also went, 1st time for him. He went with 3 others and they went to dinner 1st to Applebees. I said wait a minute DINNER AND DANCE? how old are you? LOL! I guess they really are growing up! He was so much more excited then he is showing here! They all had a BLAST!
Saturday was a long long work day and I got home just in time to head off to church! Which was good! Sunday Enjoyed the day off with warmth, sun and my older kiddos, we did some shopping and I made an amazing dinner!
What a nice weekend!
what did you do?

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Shionge said...

Gosh, what a wrecked there and I'm glad all is well to attend the dance.

All the girls looked so gorgeous and your son too :D

Jodi said...

Seeing accidents like this make me not want to let Trent take driver's training this summer. So glad she is ok, hope the mom is feeling ok.

They both look so grown up! Hope they had fun!

prashant said...

This is lovely post
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