
They're here!

Greetings! I am so behind on Posting! Saturday night My brother and his family came from Colorado! They finally arrived after car trouble, needing a rental etc etc! We are so Happy they are finally here!
It has been quite some time since we seen them!
Here is their youngest. My niece May- she is 3, a bit reserved, but so darn cute!My nephews Logan 7 and Ian turns 5 today!

Jelena had so much fun playing with them and they took to her so quick!
I will be posting more on them soon! Tonight we are going to celebrate Ian's Birthday!

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Needled Mom said...

I know you will enjoy their visit despite it's rough start.

Sure looks like the kids are enjoying Jelena.

Jodi said...

Cute kiddos!! Have a fun visit!!

Tinsie said...

Glad to hear you're having fun with your family! The kids look really cute :-)

Greetings from Greece - I'm spending time with my family too!

Midlife Mom said...

Have a wonderful time with your family that is visiting! It will be fun having the extra kiddos around!

Love your WW picture of your shoes. Jo-Lynne, my niece has a pair of them and swears by them.

Thank you for you kind comments about our cottage! I'm still working away at adding curtains and other little things. We sure are enjoying it!