I have been with out a computer for way too long! I am so happy to say I now have a brand new computer and I am BACK!:) 2010 has been a busy year I don't think it was a bad year per say but a busy one! None the less Bring on 2011! This post is about things that happened in 2010!
- I worked at 2 salons for 3 yrs! I mainly worked at the place closer to me (TRACI LEE'S) 2 days a week (16 yrs) and then 1 day a week at the other one (TRANQUILITY SALON & SPA) That all changed when my Boss at Tranquility was in a terrible car accident and nearly destroyed her ankle! She had 2 emergency surgerys on it. I stepped up and started working on my off days at Traci Lee's and went from working part time for many yrs to full time over night! No time to adjust to that, it was a bit overwhelming! I was BUSY and thankful for the business... My Boss at Traci Lee's didn't like me being over there so much, so I was let go from my boss I had been with for 16 yrs! God removed me from there. I was not happy sitting there unpaid so it was a blessing to go where I was needed, wanted and loved! In many ways it was bitter sweet. I had never been fired before! The fact that I had to choose my family or my job is what it came down too... Now I am so much better off!
- I worked hard all Summer! I missed sunbathing, swimming, etc...then sadly summer was gone! My Boss was off till August! She is now back to work full time but experiencing some pain again....hmmm
- I am getting more and more comfortable with Foil hilites, it was always my least favorite! As pedicures are still my #1 passion I enjoy doing all my cosmetology job has to offer!!!!
- We did enjoy getting to go on a Florida Vacation and seeing dear friends. They are aging so, They have always been like family to me and I miss and love them so much!!! He is now on Kidney Dialysis...
- What a year watching my kids grow! They are growing so fast! Adam is now 6 ft 2 and is growing so rapidly he has the start of scoliosis...He is now a Freshman and goes to the Big High school now!
- Jelena is growing to be a mature adult! She tries so hard to keep her Straight A's! Yeah Jelena!
- Kedric continues to try in school! He is such a hard worker and eager to please! He still loves mowing lawn and shoveling snow!:)
- This has been the 1st year I have taken my weight seriously! I have experienced walking down the bike trail and accomplished walking and riding my bike 6.4 miles! I now walk at the REC and try to walk between 1- 6 miles daily! I also am a big Fan of the BIGGEST LOOSER Workout which I try to do every morning and night! It is 29 min long, In 10 months I have lost 27 lbs! I continue to work on the diet...
- I am watching more changes in my job now as all the girls I have worked with and loved so much have now quit and are all working at another salon a new one which they were promised more money. I continue to stay where I am and see What God's plan is for me! Definitely Big changes!
- Bill my dear sweet husband continues to be a HARD WORKING MAN! I am so proud of him! He has just accomplished 15 yrs of safe driving in the company he works for! They bless you with a cruise for this! So next year we plan this exciting event as we plan to go to Grand Cayman and Cozumel!
- I continue to save for a Van which I am needing more badly. Will this be the year I get one? Stay tuned to see...
- My middle brother and his wife my Sweet SIL have ended the 2010 year with another beautiful baby boy! His name is Brock Norman!
- We also found out my other brother and his wonderful wife ( the older of the 3 are expecting baby #4 in July! Sounds like 2011 is full of wonderful things to come!
What a wonderful year it was for you and it sounds like 2011 will be just as exciting.
Way to go on your weight loss. You have really worked hard at it and should be really proud of yourself. You look great.
Glad to have you back up and running again.
A blessed year for you!
You look awesome in that black dress!!
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