
Santa Clause

Santa Clause with baby Kedric...8 months old...

5 Years agoWe took Kedric my now 5 yr old to see the "REAL"
Santa Clause. I want to teach my kids that Jesus is the reason for the season. The sence of magic is ok to believe in my household as well...Well every yr we cross our fingers that this Santa will still be there as his health is not good...well he has been forced to retire after tripple bi pass surgery. Sad but true! He was talked about on radio stations all over. He even made my hubby a believer again who has had some very bad child hood experiences with a Salvation Army Santa...sad! I tried to take a photo of this santa from kedrics scrapbook so you could see for yourself just how real he looks...kids could never be afraid of this man he is so kind and gentle!

Now I am sure they have searched long and hard to replace the original Santa after all he has been there for 18 yrs? Wow! A big Blessing to many children! My kids are getting older but theres still the magic...The replacement Santa will be fine I am sure, But my prayers go out to the man that has been such a blessing to many in disguise. The photos taken are the New santa...

Thank you Jesus for the people you give to us. They can truly be a gift...

**********MERRY CHRISTMAS **********


Anonymous said...

Wow, he really did look like him. What mall were you guys at?

Anonymous said...

the "new" Santa looks pretty "real" too.

Anonymous said...

sweet, i remember bein a lil tyke and seein santa, and tugging on his beard, of course :-)