

A. - Available or single: Unavailable

B.- Best friend:Teri, Julie and Rhonda

C. - Cake or pie: Pecan Pie

D. - Drink of choice:White chocolate Caramel latte(starbucks)

E. - Essential item you use every day: My computer.

F. Favorite color: Hunter Green

G. - Gummy bears or worms: Chocolate-----------Grown-up candy please

H. - Hometown: Norwalk OH

I. - Indulgence: chocolate, latte-mochas

J. - January or February: February - it's closer to spring.

K. - Kids and names: Adam James, Jelena Renee, Kedric Michael

L. - Life is incomplete without: JESUS! & My family...

M.- Marriage date: June 19, 1992

N. - Number of siblings: 3
I'm the oldest which explains why I'm so bossy.

O. - Oranges or apples: not a big fruit eater,

P. - Phobias or fears: Heights, driving on ice

Q. - Favorite quote: "Treat your family like guests and your guests like family."

R. - Reason to smile: sending kids to school, Adam being pleasant with Kedric

S. - Season: Summer!!!! I hate being cold!

T. - Tag 3 or 4 people: Mama Lilly, shagga Bear, Rachel

U. - Unknown fact about me: I always wanted my nose pierced

V. - Vegetable you don't like: Lima Beans! PEAS!

W. - Worst habit: starting a task, then moving onto the next and the next,I can have 5 things going on at once! but they do get done:)

X. - X-rays: Dental, knees

Y. - Your favorite food: pecan pie of course, shrimp dip, artichoke dip, pizza, there cant be only 1!

Z. - Zodiac sign: Libra


Rachel said...

Wow...your nose huh? LOL...explains why you like all those Indian movies. :D It may take me a few days to get to it cause I'm really busy this weekend.

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

All very interesting facts.
just read this today (Sunday). I'll try and work on it this week.