
Wordless Wednesday -Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper (80's )


Linda said...

It's true - girls do just wanna have fun!

Unknown said...

What can I say to that...I'm wordless. Thanks for coming by.


This is just great. Thanks for visiting.

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

Loved her!

Amanda said...

Used to listen to her alot growing up!

Anonymous said...

She bop!!!

Love her music especially "True Colors"

Anonymous said...

'Time after time' was my favourite!

Rachel said...

You are addicted...mine is up too now!

Girlie said...

I love her songs!

Carey said...

Cyndi Lauper....havent thought of her in a long time...Happy WW.

Fingers To Toes Photography said...

OMGosh - I remember the day - oh the flash backs!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha!! Talk about flashback! Totally rad.


Barb said...

She's such a fun person. This is quite possibly the most "normal" looking hairstyle she's ever had!


Heather said...

She was my fave back in the day:)

Unknown said...

'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' was my posse's theme song. Cindy still looks great.

Anonymous said...

My daughter did a project on her last year. Great photo.

Karen said...

OK, now that takes me back! LOL Thanks for the memories ;-)

Thank you for your comment on my WW. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

*lol* Now theres a singer I haven't heard or thought of in ages. Loved her stuff when I was a kid