
13 things I NEED to do even though I may not WANT to!

1.Eat peas for dinner, it is one of my least favorite vegetables, but rarely I will fix them (I think to torture myself) to show the kids I eat stuff I don't like too and be an example

2.I am reading THE WORD more now, since I am in a Bible Study. I am enjoying it and learning alot but it is a big step for me, and honestly It is very time consuming

3.Cooking dinner most nights, i really hate to cook, But I feel since I am doing a menu plan each week I have something to be accountable to, so we aren't eating frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets all week!

4.Eating chocolate, I am cutting way back (sigh) way to hard for ones chocoholic self!

5.Doing Homework with the kids even though it is so over my head. Sometimes I wonder how I graduated!

6.playing games and spending time with the kids when lets face it after working all day i want to go to bed and crash!

7.Disciplining the children, I know If I don't do it no one else will and having 3 to battle at once is HARD work! SUPER NANNY!!!!

8.Making time after my Dear husbands long day at work and giving him a leg and foot massage. I TRY to do this on occasion as I know he needs it but truthfully I am secretly thinking, wheres mine?

9.Giving Dear husband a back massage, as this is another in the same case. When You are a truck driver you can tend to get lower back aches.

10.Monday is a rough day for me as I usually have 10 loads of laundry( and other catch up stuff) since I work a long day Saturday and sunday sometimes is to busy to get to the laundry...Cleaning is not something I enjoy in general believe it or not, I love a clean home and no one else will do it! But ya know sometimes I would rather sit down and be alone to watch a good movie...

11.Babysitting for a person in need. Honestly sometimes I want to enjoy the time to myself to get the things I need done, But the good person in me remembers How hard I have struggled in yrs past with babysitting difficulties so I will do for others for non selfish reasons!

12.Limit my coffee intake! Yes believe it r not! I do NOT drink it every day ( I wish) I don't want to become addicted or dependent on it. I just get more excited when it is time to have one:)

13.excersizing...yeah this one is obvious. Watching closer to what I am eating and working out is a very important measure at a person in their 30's whether I like it or NOT (sigh) yet I feel better afterwards...


Karen said...

I hear 'ya. It's not always easy to make oneself do things one does not enjoy. But, such is life. I try to do them with a happy heart and then it's not so bad!

Shionge said...

Nice list of 13 items Tina......:D If you can achieve half that's pretty good so let me know how well you do ok :D