
Dancing Skeleton


Nadine said...

That's great. Easy isn't it to do. As for your last question -
Open your blog and
1. Go to layout
2. Choose "add a page element"
3. Choose "add link"
4. Fill in information -
a. Title
b. New Site URL: (open up another copy of your blog and click on the post you want to link. Right click the mouse on the https address and copy it here. Make sure you don't have 2 https:// in address.
c. New Site Name - 100th post

All done.

Anytime I can be of service. It is my pleasure.

Nicole said...

OOh. I need to write that down for when I do my 100th post!!

Loved the skeleton. He must be coordinated to do that!

Barb said...

Ok.. that was strange lol!