
Fridays Feast

AppetizerWhat does the color pink make you think of?This may sound rediculous but it makes me think of Victoria Secrets

SoupName something you thought you had lost, but later found...ummm we lost DH SS card, Birth Certificate, still trying to find it for several months now...

SaladIn 3 words, describe this past week. Busy, Entertaining. Encouraging

Main CourseWhat are you obsessed with?
my Blog

DessertWhat kind of perfume or cologne do you like to wear? LOVESPELL body splash, and heavenly by Victoria Secret


Raggedy said...

Great Feast!
Have a wonderful day!
(")_ (")Š

Anonymous said...

Good feast! Hope you find thos things you're missing.

Thanks for stopping by.

Ingrid said...

Your birthcertificate missing ? but you are there right ??

Lisa said...

Lovely feast - thanks for sharing. Happy weekend.

Annie said...

Great feast!
Hope you have a great weekend.

Nadine said...

What fun these feasts are. Thank you for sharing - it's so much fun how you can see people's personalities come through piece by piece.

HLiza said...

Pink makes me think of Strawberry Shortcake!


Great feast.
Thanks for the visit.

Midlife Mom said...

Hey that was a great feast! Don't feel bad, I spend half of my time looking for something! No joke, I have hidden three pair of hair cutting shears so that my grands don't get at them and I can't find any of them.....is that sad or what!?

Shionge said...

High Five Tina! I love Victoria Secrets too and it is a pity we can't find them here. :D