
Fun At the Fair

We enjoyed FREE Day at the fair on Wednesday... Jelena got her face painted, a dog on 1 side and a cat on the other... Here she is finished! So cute! In This same booth they gave away bike helmets, apples, juice boxes, tooth brushes, and reading books and T- Shirts!! It was so wonderful! All FREE!

Here is Kedric playing the games! They had several games for the kids to play with no cost! my younger 2 kids went and my oldest opted to NOT go since I was not paying for him to ride rides!
As why should I when we go to Cedar Point enough!Anywho he totally missed out!
I did enter Kedric into the tractor pull, I do think he is getting a bit tall and this will definitely be his last year!
He gave it his all but didn't get far,he and everyone get a tractor for participating...
Well not to many shots, but the Fair is the Fair, and it doesn't change much. My kids don't really get into the animals there so no photos there, there was plenty to see...I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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MOPS said...

We had fun at the fair too! Good to see ya! I think we saw most of MOPS there too!lol Are you going to Lorain Co. Fair this coming week???? We love that one- I grew up out there! ITS HUGE! Have a great weekend!

Stayllo said...

I guess I failed as a blogger because I seem to be the only one who didn't take pictures. I was being lazy I guess. My kids love the animal section and that's where we spend most of our time.

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

We loved the fair. There were SO MANY KIDS there! Wow! We had fun. I'll post pictures later.

Shionge said...

Oh as usual I can see that everyone is having a great time :D

You have a great weekend too Tina :D

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun!

Midlife Mom said...

Looks like a great time with your kids at the fair. And free too! You don't see that very often! Jelena looks cute with the face painting! I would have wanted to see the animals, that is usually my first stop at anything like this.

Baby Christopher is just gorgeous! I love the outfit you got him, adorable.

I hope you are having a good weekend too! xoxo

KC said...

How did I miss you?? I ran into frdgrl27, Heather and Stayllo and a ton of other MOPS moms but I missed you.
My kids skipped on the face painting but jumped all over the juice boxes and apples and the free books and t-shirts. I got a t-shirt for all of them except Little Man..
I don't have my pictures online yet..

curryegg said...

Wow! Looks like you've such a great time at the fair... nice to read this..
BTW, how are you? It has been a long time I didn't visit your blog.. ;)

Nadine said...

The fair is always fun. I'm glad the kids enjoyed it. I hope you have a great weekend.