
A new Meme

A NEW MEME For TUESDAYS! The theme for today is BEGINNINGS. I love beginnings!
When I think of this word I think of the Day I met my husband, At the time I worked at the Beauty Salon and my boss did his hair, she gave him perms. LOL! Now I cut his hair to short to need a perm to hide all the greys!

I also think of the birth of Adam my 1st child...the Beginning of a busy life. He was collicky and complicated as I had 7 babysitters in 5 months! God was telling me to quit my job.I quit for 1 yr then went back after my next child was born. only working 1 day a week! My DH was home with children when I worked!

There is nothing like bringing a baby into the world! I got to experience this beginning 3 times in my life! I loved being in the hospital and all the attention I recieved! And It has been the only time I got waited on and never had to cook! Those were the days I MISS!

Now if you want to check out more on this MEME go to SKITTLES PLACE as she is the host of it! Happy Tuesday!

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Barb said...

Thank you so much for joining me as I launch this new meme!!!!

I know alllll about colicky babies. It was my second one. Come to think of it.. he's still kind of that way even though he's 27. :)

Misty DawnS said...

Great post! No more perms, eh? hehe

Mom Knows Everything said...

The birth of children is always a great beginning.

Anonymous said...

LOL--I never thought about that about being waited on in the hospital :) Maybe that is why I did it four times--LOL. Great beginning story.

Midlife Mom said...

Great meme! It's always good to think back on those beginnings isn't it? I only had one child and I think I remember every minute of the birth, being in the hospital, the first few days home etc etc That sure was a new beginning for us as we had been married 5 years and wondered if we would have ANY children but God was good and gave us one and for that I will be eternally thankful!

Barb said...

Could you send me your email addy so I can add it to my blogroll people/ :)

Rambler said...

In some cultures, motherhood is considered rebirth for the mother.
Good to know you did begin three times..