
Tackle It Tuesday

TACKLE,TACKLE, TACKLE! Today is Adams Room! While I only posted a small part of it , it was so much a mess to even get around the bed, so it was a little of little mess and he just could not get a handle on it! A dear child friend that lives down the street, helped him and I get it done! Adam loves to build with K-nex but then rarely puts them away, Here is before...

Here is after! WOW!
This view kinda gives you a good view of his puzzle ceiling...It is so much cleaner now! Sheets and All! Now to stay that way! I am so happy with this!!!
OK! The moment you have all been waiting for! My porch finally has gotten the carpet on it I have been wanting and waiting on! This little area was NOT a cheap task, so while waiting for the money to get it done, and then the WEATHER, it is officially DONE! Good thing to as there has been SO much rain and flooding going on. perhaps they will be even busier now! This is a sneak peak of the old stuff! It did hold up VERY well for 10 yrs, and since we got a better carpet I hope this lasts even longer;)
Here is is! It is such a big descision! I had to stick with the blue as the shutters are very blue but wanted to change it just a bit! So here is what I came up with!
And this is the bare look before, I had to call upon my WONDERFUL mother and interior decorater to do a finishing touch!
Here is the "Carpet man" in progress!
And Well here is the moment ya'll been waiting for! I also want you to know that I had that Plaque especially made for our "palm tree" home! I am so happy with this final look! Thanks mom to you for your decorating, it looks complete now;)

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Barb said...

Very nice! Are those real puzzles on the ceiling???

palmtreefanatic said...

yes real jigsaw puzzles my whole basement is done in them!

Heather said...

Your porch looks great! So welcoming and inviting! Must feel good to have that done:)

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

the carpet looks great! I bet you're super glad to have that tackle DONE!

Anonymous said...

Your porch looks awesome! One more thing to cross off your list!

Deb said...

The room and porch look great! My kids love to play with K'nex too. :) Great tackle!

Anonymous said...

Your son's room looks great. I love that carpet and front porch! Wonderful!

Thanks for your encouraging words on our bathroom renovation!

Mia said...

Wow looks awsome!

Shionge said...

What a great difference and certainly exude much warmth & love just before entering your house :D

MOPS said...

love the new look on the porch!

Lori_N said...

Love the porch and the way your mom decorated it. She's so talented :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina :) Your son's room looks terrific! And your porch is so pretty...very welcoming :)

Liz McCoy said...

fantastic!! We just redid jessie's room. She moved into Rosie's old room and mom and i moved her in today

TrainingHearts said...

Great tackle!!!

Donetta said...

Wow that is so beautiful I love the colors and the new of it. So pretty.

KC said...

good job on Adams room and the the carpet looks great.
I haven't even started on the kids rooms which was my plan for the week.. I just feel so awful I can hardly sit up. ~sigh~

Annie said...

Great job Tina, love it all.