
Wordless Wednesday-- TARGET

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Dawn said...

That is a great shot! And a great pose!

Susanne said...

Hey there!! It's PARTY TIME over at my blog. Stop on by and check it out!!

Nadine said...

Cool shot. I don't think I could that anymore...oh let's be honest...I never could have done that.

ZAM said...

Great shot. Happy WW!

Stayllo said...

Very creative!

Jodi said...

Great shot!! Have a great Wednesday!

Shionge said...

Strong Arms WHoa!!!! :D

KC said...

LOL Great shot
Happy WW

Annie said...

Wow! great shot!

Pfingston said...

WOW I'm impressed!
Have a happy WW!

Anonymous said...

what an awesome shot that is!


Mine's a video this week!

Shana said...

Great shot!!!

Happy WW!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I couldn't do that. You have a really cool Target store!!

Midlife Mom said...

Wow! I wish I had strength enough in my arms to do that! I'd go in a heap!!!

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

that's impressive!

Rachel said...

That's hysterical....see you at dinner time!

Barb said...

That looks like fun!

We I was a kid we rolled around in tires. LOL

Adele said...

That is a cool picture!!!