
Baby Seth's Dedication

The highlight of my weekend was going to see my nephew being dedicated! My mom is a pastor of a church so was not able to attend but my dad and I went , and My SIL's parents... Afterwards they made us some yummy dinner...here are some photos of this ADORABLE little guy...

He was a perfect angel through it all!
Here he is being dedicated, there was some other children dedicated as well But seth was the youngest...
Good Job Seth!
Here is a 3 generation shot!
Afterwards, my brother lives close by to a malleys chocolate...We were good and didn't buy any but did look around! This place was by far the cutest place I ever seen for a chocolate shop, I only took 1 photo though of this! Being I am a hairdresser I thought this chocolate set was TOO too cute!
I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

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Jodi said...

Awww what a cutie!!

The chocolate is cute too...LOL

Shionge said...

So cute and he looks so intelligent already look at those eyes :)

Tinsie said...

I may be sounding stupid, but what does it mean, being dedicated?

Angela said...

You'll have to come again and we will walk to Malley's and get some ice cream in their ice cream parlor.

Anonymous said...

Tinsie beat me to the question. I'm a Catholic and am not familiar with dedication ceremonies. Are they similar to baptisms?


Angela said...

Dedication is basically when the parents go before the church and declare that they will introduce them to Jesus and do all they can to mirror Christ in their home and as they raise him/her.

palmtreefanatic said...

Well put Angela, and yes it is an alternative to a baby being baptized!

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

that chocolate haridryer is so cute! We're selling Malley's chocolate for Abby's school if you want some.

The Edwards said...

SOOOO cute!

Stayllo said...

Seth is so cute!!! We live near a Malley's Chocolate but I've been trying not to go in :)!

Mia said...

Awww...how cute is he? Aww.. I just wanna squish him, and in a nice way.

KC said...

I'm so glad you were able to go sunday.. Seth is a cutie.
Love the Malley's set.. YUMMMM..

Needled Mom said...

What a wonderful celebration. Seth is darling!