
Wordless Wednesday

Box Turtles Mating...These guys were so attached for 6 hrs! we tried to separate them after 4 hrs but no way could they come apart! This was a real education for us;) We have had them both since June and never have we seen this! Lilly got hungry during the process...

perhaps we shall have some babies some day?

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Annie said...

That's the happiest box turtle I've ever seen... lol!

Alexis Jacobs said...

Does that turtle lay on its back the whole time? Yikes! Happy ww!

palmtreefanatic said...

to explain this further
Angel (boy), he is on the right hand side, we were almost afraid he was dead as his eyes were wide and did not move, he does blink quite a bit normally! anyway Lilly(girl) is right side up she is lying on her belly so to speak and her head you can see extended...

Stayllo said...

Wow, I know nothing about turtles. 6 hrs, huh? I had no idea.

Anonymous said...

Holy smacks....that must of been some cigarette smoke after 6 hours! Good luck with the babies.

HLiza said...

Oh my..how did the kids react to this?

Michelle P said...

Oooh, I'm blushing...what an intimate moment...

Needled Mom said...

Love it, but it looks backwards to me!!!! We have large tortoises and the mating sessions are quite noisy and seemingly cruel. We do get eggs (and babies) each year and that is really fun. How old are they? Good luck.

Heather said...

Oh my some excitment going on over at your house!! Turtle babies in your future perhaps?!

Shionge said...

Hiya Tina!!! What a sight ;D Nice to be back pal, be catching up with you and thanks for yr comment in my previous post.

Jodi said...

Wow! That must have been a fun educating lesson for the kids! Good luck with the babies!

Nadine said...

All I can say is those are big turtles. Babies...I bet they would be cute.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

how funny she is eating!!!

smiles, bee

Tinsie said...

Hehe. That's a brilliant set of photos. You've made my day :-)