
Fridays Feast

Appetizer Name one thing that is unique about you. This may sound crazy but I have a hard time using something NEW, I have to have it a while before I can enjoy it!

Soup Fill in the blank: My favorite _________ is __________ but I like _________ too.
My favorite food is Pizza but I like Chicken too

SaladWhat type of wood do you have for your home’s furnishings?
oak and dark oak ( almost like cherry)
Main CourseWho do you talk to most often on the phone?
DessertWhat level of responsibility do you have in your job?
I Cut hair, wait on people, clean tanning beds, collect money, fold towels, when I am REAL ambitious I even clean out cupboards and drawers!

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Midlife Mom said...

I am so sorry to hear about your hubby falling and injuring his knee
!!!! Take it from someone who has been fighting injuries since last MAY, it's no fun. And with flu on top of it all, you just aren't getting any breaks at all!! Flu is going around here too. So far we've managed to escape it but every time I sneeze, even if it's from cooking with pepper, I think oh boy, I'm getting it! I sure hope you all feel better soon!!! xoxoxox

Nadine said...

Your hubby hurt himself? I'm sorry to hear that. I pray for a speedy recovery.