Happy Tuesday Everyone!
Today My trio are home from school due to a snow day. This always changes my tackles a bit...I plan to do just a little of scrapbooking. I am so close to being caught up now but I need to make some duplicate photos before this can happen! I may or may not get ambitious to go in the snow with the kids...I HATE cold, the snow is beautiful from inside...But pictures I need to take some! OH and Adam wants me to watch Night at The Museum with him, Everyone has seen it but me!

Hi! Just dropped by; I am a mom to three, also, and was a hairdresser for 10 years. I "retired" a couple of years ago to be with my kiddos full time.
I also love monkeys and palm trees; don't have any in my house, though. Well, unless you count my 15 month old (the monkey), and the two big houseplants in my living room! :-)
Great movie! You will enjoy it!
We love that movie! Enjoy your night!
I haven't seen that movie yet but I've heard that it is good. We're going to have a snow day tomorrow, it's already started to snow and we're due for 5 to 10 inches. We've had more snow days this year then I can ever remember. The poor kids will be going to school till July!
Hey! Are you guys feeling better over there? We missed you last Saturday.
We loved that movie, too.
Are your camera and computer cooperating yet? We sure are missing those pictures of FOOD!
Snow days really put a crimp in the routine, don't they? Hope you had a fun day with the kids!
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