
Thursday Thirteen


Thirteen things I love about Valentines Day...
1. I can smell the love in the Air
3. Malleys
4. Godiva
5. Hershey's DARK
6. Ferrero Rocher
7.smell of Roses
8. gifts
9.Listening to my favorite songs
10. Visiting with Friends
11. Special Dinner out with my DH
12. cards From the kids
13. the secret valentines I will place in the kiddos lunch boxes!
Ahh Yes! All these would be lovely but the truest thing of my list that will actually happen is #13!
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
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Nadine said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too. I hope you have a great day.

I like how many times chocolate makes it on your list.

Melissa said...

I love chocolates from valentines. I have never gotten a nice box of chocolates...you know in the cheesy heart shapes box. I don't know why, but Ihave always wanted one.

Art said...

Happy Valentine's Day.

Shionge said...

Happy Valentine's Day Tina :D

Needled Mom said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you. I loved your list.