
Check out Adams snow fort

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Anonymous said...

That's a lot of snow!!!

The Downing 5 said...

Cool Fort Adam...

Nadine said...

Nice fort...wow you have lots of snow.

Musings of a Housewife said...

Oh my WORD look at all that snow!!!

I sent you an email this morning, and then I just saw a failure to deliver notification in my spam folder. I'm assuming you didn't get my email.

I would love, LOVE to work on your design! I have a few ideas (assuming you want the palm tree theme) so email me if you are interested in discussing more.

The Edwards said...

Great FORT Adam!

Liz McCoy said...

way cool!!!!!!!!!!!!

KC said...

Adam and Aubrie had the same idea.. She did the same thing in our yard.. ONLY I was soak and wet from moving snow and didn't feel like walking though the house to get the camera.. at that point.

Jodi said...

I bet he is having fun with all of this!