
Spring Cleaning Has begun

Adams Bedroom is in the basement. We had to do some major cleaning in there to get ready for spring! Here is what it looked like before, or rather during,Webs will flow over the concrete, so Here I am sucking them up with the sweeper hose
I didn't stop there, I rearanged the room cleaned out and organized the drawers, closet, and washed every bit of sheets and comforter on his bed, also the curtain and window, and all the matching table runners, this made for alot of laundry!
Here is the finished look, we also took down his punching bag. His room feels huge to him now. Soon we will have to replace the door and sometime we will have to replace the TV that died...
Happy Tackling!

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Lesley said...

I gave my son the ultimatum this week to clean his room! What a nice mom you are. :)


The Apron Queen said...

I miss having a basement. We live in TX now & no basement. But you are my spring cleaning hero! :D

Stop on by anytime. I'll make you a glass of iced tea. Confessions of an Apron Queen: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a difference!

Karen said...

Wow! That looks wonderful now!! What a cozy spot to hang out in! Great job!

Shionge said...

Tina, you have to let me know where did you get all the energy for all that cleaning & cooking :D You are awesome!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Wow, what a big project you tackled! Way to go!!!

Karen said...

It looks so good. Very cozy. I'll bet he loves it.

Jodi said...

Looks good!!! I love your hair like that!! And what no menu this week??? LOL

Needled Mom said...

Great job to tackle. Doesn't it feel so good to get it finished?

The Edwards said...

LOOKS great!