
Weekend Recap

Well it has been a busy weekend! I am trying to regain myself again! Thursday night Adam played the Sax with 2 other kids for his school talent show...He did great! 3 of them played WESTERN PORTRAIT...Friday I took the kids to our local MOPS ( mothers of preschoolers)Group that I am no longer a part of as my kids are too old. None the less they are doing a fundraiser and having Antiquities...So I took the kids to get their photos done! Here is Adam waiting patiently...
Here is Kedric doing one of his poses...
And here is the trio before getting theirs done together!
I cannot believe It but I HAD to take my kids out of school for this! A dear friend had later on asked him to go Camping with him and his cub scout troop! It was a wonderful experience for them! They camped out in Cabins from Friday night till Sunday morning! Saturday I was SO busy at work! I feel it was a huge Blessing after getting no more then 1 customer last week due to weather! I worked from 7AM till 5:15pm! It was GREAT! Then to Rush to the Grocery Store, pick up some food for dinner, come home bake it up and rush to church for Tambourine practice ( 6pm) for church to start at 7pm, get home and my 6 yr old looks at me with his big brown eyes and said mommy you promised we could dance with the disco ball ( sigh) OH YES, I been awake since 5am and it is now 9:30 as we got home from church and All I can think is I wanna sleep!!! BUT we did! We danced with our revolving disco ball for a few songs then everyone went to sleep! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Shionge said...

Oh gosh, your kids looked gorgeous and beautiful Tina :D

Thank you for you sharing the lovely weekend and also thanks for the birthday greetings too :D

KC said...

Sounds like a great weekend..
the kids look so cute all dressed up.

Jodi said...

Sounds like a very busy weekend!! Its hard to turn them down when they flash their eyes isn't it?

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

Hope you got some sleep on Sunday!

Needled Mom said...

I am tired just reading the blog! :) The kids look fabulous all set for their photos. Hope you caught up on that well needed sleep.