
I got Roses

Well I survived my busy work day yesterday and managed to go home around 2:45pm. (My Boss was great about sweeping my hair from hair cuts, and collecting my dirty towels, it made for much less moving back and forth). We close at 4:00pm so it was a little earlier for me! YEAH! I could not wait to come home and prop my foot up, but Thanks to all the prayers, I survived better then I thought possible! So Thank you for all who prayed! God is Good! All The time! My 1st client and fairly new customer was my 1st appt. of the day at 7:30am... He is So happy to have found me, his Barber has retired and he had one heck of a time finding a new one to cut his hair the way he likes! Well He found one, ME!! He is a much older man(85yrs) ( no need to be jealous Bill, LOL!)He brought me these beautiful coral roses, 1 dozen of them, WOW! He brought them to me and Said " I was always taught to love thy neighbor as thy self, and I love my barber so these were for me! LOL! He felt so bad to make me hobble my way there to cut his hair... Clients like this, make me love my job;) So other then that, I was quite busy and came home to rest the best part of the weekend! My toes are still swollen and it is still hard to get around! But Time will heal...

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

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Midlife Mom said...

Wow! you sure have had a week of it!! So sorry you sprained you ankle and to have to stand on it to do hair, not fun! So sweet of your client to bring you the flowers, that must have helped you feel a bit better. I don't think I ever had a client bring me flowers in the 22 years I did hair. Sigh,,,, The kids pictures are so nice, you've got a good looking bunch there!! What a blessing!! Those strawberry pies look sooooooooooo good! YUMMY! Take care of yourself and try to stay off that ankle. Love your short hair cut too!

Shionge said...

What a wonderful gesture and sweet of him, he is such an appreciative man isn't it?

7.30 am is very early for a haircut ya Tina and despite being tire you sounded so happy and that makes us happy too :D

Thanks for your wonderful comment at my blog pal...sorry for being 'late' ;)

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!
I've never taken my hair person flowers... the closest I've come to that is taking treats for her kids (her shop is built into her home).

Nadine said...

Beautiful flowers - what a sweet man. I missed the post about your foot - oh my. I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery.

Stay healthy.

Tinsie said...

What beautiful flowers and what a kind man! You must be chuffed to have clients like him :-)

Hope the foot's less painful and you're feeling better xxx

Jodi said...

What a sweet thing for him to do!!

Needled Mom said...

What a sweet gift. So glad that you are feeling better.

KC said...

That was so sweet..

Michelle P said...

I am so sorry about your foot! It must be the week for clumsiness, because I broke my toe Tuesday! It's amazing how important little things like a toe are ;) I hope your healing is swift and with as little pain as possible!

Michelle P said...

I am so sorry about your foot! It must be the week for clumsiness, because I broke my toe Tuesday! It's amazing how important little things like a toe are ;) I hope your healing is swift and with as little pain as possible!

Michelle P said...
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