
NOT so Wordless Wednesday

Adams Surgery
let The preparations begin...Adam is a little scared but we are ready to get this done! This tooth has been bothering him way too long! We are here at the Endodontist...Getting his Blood Pressure and oxygen monitered...
The Staff Was GREAT! Here is the Dr. and one of his assistants! They had to think I was a crazy mom to take so many photos, But hey This is how I will remember it;) This sweet lady Said she never in all the yrs of doing this got a picture taken so she grabbed the Dr. and smiled! Mighty cute picture isn't it?
Getting prepped!
The Dr. was WONDERFUL! Adam was a bit nervous about getting an IV as we thought it would be only best in this situation to be completely knocked out!
Studying those veins... He got it in there perfectly, now you cannot even tell it was in his arm!
Now to administer some drugs in this IV bag...oh, I think they are working! This is the 1st smile I seen in at least 1-2 weeks!
Relaxed, getting VERY relaxed!
Vital signs...I think this was actually taken near the end...
He was slurring his words, they had to keep giving him more drugs as he was a fighter! Thats my Adam!
He actually let me stay for the WHOLE thing! I got so educated today! I will definitely stick with my profession of doing hair, it is much more painless!;)
It was quite Fascinating! he even let me look inside his binocular type microscopic thing...I could see all the bacteria up in there...It was wild!
Here is a mini video of what I was watching...

Now You are watching them stitching him up! He had quite a bit of pus and blood drained, poor guy!
Double click to see a closer look at those surchers ( stitches)

The final stitches are in! Are you squemish? Well You should have been there right up close watching it! I had to sit a few times;) Now we go back in 9 days to get the surchers ( stitches)removed... Adam was a trooper through it and boy did they medicate and drug him up! He has a fast metabolism so he was going through ALOT of major narcotics! At 1 point the Dr. Said he is feeling like he had 4 joints and 4 beers! Plus nubane and others! He needed help to get to the car as he was loopy when he came to...The Drugs started to take over and he got a bit mean! The Dr. helped us walk Adam to the Car, We headed straight home!
The Dr. never seen such an ordeal as we had. At 1 point we called him to let him know how he was acting and what we were dealing with!
He was so out of control and I will tell you, I Feel for any one getting off addictions because What I saw was quite scary! Maybe even a bit extreme!
The long long drive home (1 hr)was rough and the way he acted was stressful and horrible! Once we got him home he finally wore himself out and fell fast asleep! PRAISE GOD!( I Was afraid to breath to loud in fear I wake him) He slept for 1.5 hrs and then was MUCH MUCH better! He wanted a McDonald double cheeseburger and fries and was able to eat carefully but well after all that!
Now I have my sweet precious Adam back and all is well! The Dr. was so wonderful as he called twice to check on him to make sure all was well!
Thank you Dr. for all you did! I will highly recommend! He does not normally let people sit in and watch this stuff and take pictures, but he did allow me and I will be forever grate full as I will be putting these in his scrapbook!
NOW please PRAY he does not have to go through this again for the tooth next to it! We will find out more on that next week when the surchers come out!
Happy Wednesday everyone!


Nadine said...

I'm glad it went so well. That's amazing that the dr. let you stay for the whole and let you take pictures. My kids would have killed me - your Adam is a good sport and I pray his recovery goes very well and quickly.

You're an awesome mom and so supportive. You get some rest as you help him recover.

Jodi said...

Ohhhhhh.... squeamish isn't the word! I was cringing at every picture! I so hate the dentist, this brought back some awful memories I had a few years ago when I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled, being put out and then waking up was so NOT fun!

Kudos to you for taking pics!! I probably would have done the same thing if it were my kid.

I hope he recovers fast!!

*hugs* to you both!!

Shionge said...

Hey thanks for sharing Adam's brave 'ordeal', glad that you took those pictures to share with us ya.

Wishing him speedy recovery :)

Midlife Mom said...

Wow and Double Wow! That was quite a procedure! I am terribly nervous at the dentist if it is anything other then a cleaning so can't imagine going through that. Thank goodness for the drugs but he sure had a hard time coming off them! Poor guy, I wonder if he will remember any of it?? I cracked up though when I read he wanted a double cheeseburger!!!

KC said...

Can I just say.. I HATE DENTAL WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it for myself, and I hate it for my kids.. That is why I take them to a dentist that gives them gas if they need work done.. Aubrie when she was 6 had to be put under(knocked out not just gas) for some work, and Ryan when he was 2 years old went into a surgary center to be put under to have some work done. I myself wish I could be knocked out though any sort of dental work, but I'm not so lucky.. my dentist doesn't even do the happy gas, and I have to stay awake, and sit though the work.. UGH>... my mouth was a mess back in Dec and and in Dec, Jan. Feb and then two weeks ago.. I had to have oral surgary.. Yes that is 4 different times.. I go back tomorrow for a recheck on it.. hopefully all is well and I won't have to have anymore work done for a very long time..

Your one brave mama.. I would have got the heck out of there as soon as my child was asleep and didn't need me in there for support.. I can hardly sit though my own work there is no way I could sit though someones, let alone one of my children.. UGH UGH UGH..
Poor Poor Adam..
If it makes you feel any better.. The 3 times Aubrie has been knocked out, once for the dental work and the other two times for surgary.. she is not a very nice person at all.. Mean, Mouthy, yelling at everyone around her, just a nasty little thing until the affect of all the drugs has worn off.. Then she is moody and mouthy while she is still in pain. I have had to wait till she was not only off the stuff they used to put her to sleep, but also off the after care pain meds, and until the pain was gone till I get my sweet baby back.
How is Adam feeling today?? I hope he isn't in too much pain.
So what did they have to do to that tooth anyways?

palmtreefanatic said...

I believe what he had was an epilectomy, some sort of root canal? maybe one redone as there was bacteria in the tooth weirdly enough!

He is doing much better and was able to go to school today! YEAH!!!
Next thursday we get the stitches out!

The Downing 5 said...

So glad to hear he is doing better...the pics are so cool! I would have head my head in there too!

Tinsie said...

I'm due to have similar treatment to this and I was hoping to avoid it. Now that I've seen your pics and read the commentary I know I *must* avoid it. At all costs :-)