Well there's been alot of things going on this week...Trying to put life back to normal after the loss of my Pastors Dear and wonderful Son, I have not posted much so Let me get caught up...Above is a pine tree my DH decided to take down I think he wants to take 2 more out in the very near future! He came home from Work one day this week and went at it! Great job!
I have also become a memeber of Facebook. I have lots of friends on there already! It has been fun finding old ones too!My girlfriend Julie came in the shop so I could learn the way to do a "RENEWAL" Facial. Afterwards we went to a very cute place nearby Called Pollyannas Tea Room. We split the lunch and had a chicken salad croissant and asparagus quiche. Both were VERY good! Besides the fact my youngest lost a top tooth we are also getting him signed up today for tutoring. He needs lots of help!Yesterday I made my 1st home made vegetable soup. It was so good after making a huge crock pot full it is completely gone now!
I'm on Facebook but have been too busy to keep it up like I should... my poor puppies. Be careful. It IS addictive!
It was interesting to see your hubs take down the tree. That's our business.. and if you want to hear about the first tree **I** personally took down...http://jhthomas.blogspot.com/2008/09/im-lumberjack-and-im-ok.html
I am The Palm Tree fanatic! Thats right I LOVE palm trees and any place tropical is where I should be!;) I LOVE Jesus Christ! I have 3 Wonderful Children 2 boys and a girl with an awesome Husband Bill that has made it all happen! I am also a hairdresser for 20 yrs now! life flies quickly by! Enjoy the moment!
you've certainly been busy. Glad we connected on facebook :)
Have a good one!!!
That pizza looks yummy!! Busy week for you!
I love the toothless look. I can still remember when I had that empty spot in my own maouth and stuck my tongue tip through it. Strange!
I bet you love the open look after the pine trees are removed. They are such messy trees with all the needles on the ground, etc.
I'm on Facebook but have been too busy to keep it up like I should... my poor puppies. Be careful. It IS addictive!
It was interesting to see your hubs take down the tree. That's our business.. and if you want to hear about the first tree **I** personally took down...http://jhthomas.blogspot.com/2008/09/im-lumberjack-and-im-ok.html
Busy week indeed. Love the taco pizza!!
Gosh the pizza is making me hungry and just have to touch my screen LOL.
I have not signed up facebook even though I was invited to many times
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