
Grocery Shopping and Scrapbooking makes a busy day!

I haven't been able to do much grocery shopping and well with nothing to pack for the kids lunches this was a must today! So I tackled the grocery store to do some MAJOR grocery shopping, and bought the store out! I love Meijers and double coupons! Hey I saved $40.00 in coupons! woohooo! My freezer before...
Makes for cleaning it easy! All you do is let everything run out!;) Here is after!
Goodness it has been along time since I seen my cupboards this bare!
The kids will be so happy to have some goodies for their lunch tomorrow;)
I managed to do a little scrapbooking today as well!This one is Adams! I thought I would share a little I been working on....christmas
Here is Kedrics Book...( christmas and new years)
Here is Jelenas, cookie baking and christmas!
besides a little journaling I think I am about all caught up WOOHOOO!!! So whats on your tackling list today?
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Shionge said...

Hey how neat there, I saw some instant noodles there is that right?

Love the idea of scrap books, do you get a special book for pasting the photos? It seems like everyone is doing it in America :D

Liz McCoy said...

great tackles!!!! are those the ornaments you won from my giveaway? SOOO COOL

Midlife Mom said...

I am so behind in my scrapbooking! You inspired me to get moving again! You do a beautiful job, wish you could come here and help me get organized.

Great tackle as always. That's the way I like to clean my freezer too is to let it get really low on everything. Of course this time of year I could just put everything in a clothes basket and set it out in the snow.

Yes, I am going to be happy to get the painting finished here at the house. I know it's going to look so fresh and nice but I hate having people here all day. Like right now while I'm trying to type and one of them is talking a blue streak to me! lol!

Jodi said...

Great tackles!!