
Food For Thought Friday

Jodi over at Beacon of Hope has come up with this fun meme, let me know if you join in!
Food 4 Thought Friday.

How do you usually celebrate Valentines Day? If you don’t celebrate it where you live, how would you like to celebrate it? I love Valentines Day, I LOVE Chocolate and I love romance!Its just another day around here. I would love to have a romantic dinner out and go to a romantic movie!

Chocolate or flowers?Chocolate PLEASE!!!

What is your most unique or fondest memory of Valentine’s Day?none

Midnight Snack
What would be your dream Valentine date? OH Well I would love to be surprised with an all expense paid trip to the Poconos. Or any weekend Getaway would be nice, sip on some sweet red wine and be fed chocolate dipped strawberries...Yeah that sounds nice;) followed by a foot massage, back massage, ok whole body...

Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) it takes 37 muscles to frown and 22 to smile, so smile it conserves energy;)

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HLiza said...

Happy Valentine! It's just another day too here..

Needled Mom said...

It works for me!!!! Happy Valentine's Day.