
Menu Plan Monday

Monday-French Toast casserole, Bob Evans Maple Sausage links
Tuesday-Campbell's Beef Taco skillet, corn cake, salad
Wednesday- Chili and crackers
Thursday- Chicken Pot pie, applesauce, peanut butter kiss cookies
Saturday- leftover Buffet

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Midlife Mom said...

Yummy! I am so NOT good at planning my meals ahead. With just the two of us we sometimes kind of fly by the seat of our pants. lol! I do try to keep things in the house to put together good meals though so that I don't have to run to the store for some missing item.

Sounds like a wonderful Valentine's dinner. I don't touch the sushi either, I just can't imagine eating raw fish! Bleck!!!

The cookies look scrumtious!

Nadine said...

You always have yummy menus. How do a french toast casserole?

Anonymous said...

Great menu! I love chicken pot pie. Have a lovely week!

