
My Cousin Liz is doing a new meme Called Forgotton Photo Friday. Pick a picture a week or older and tell about it! Well I was hoping to figure a way of using these photos!
My youngest son is obsessed with Santa and Elves. This is February yet he wants me to buy him red or green tights and an elf vest and all that goes with the hoopla. My Dear friend Teri was here a few weeks ago and helped him Build the North Pole. Valentines day is over Easter on its way and all I can hear about is Santa Clause. My home is filled with Santa movies and books! someone help! Anyone have any ideas how to make Santa go away till next year? I even told him Santa doesnt exist to make him realize. He is stuck in his fantasy and is determined to help santa next year deliver all those gifts!

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Liz McCoy said...

thanks for playing along and oh my that's exciting about his focus. So now you'll just have to build in homework assignments like calculating how many toys you need for all the kids in your house then all the kids on the block. Then writing a proper letter to Santa of how good he's been each week til santa comes, you know with proper punctuation and all that :)

Nadine said...

He's so cute. At least it's something that is pleasant and sweet that he's fascinated with.

Tinsie said...

Following on from Liz's suggestion, you could ask him (or help him) calculate how many months/weeks/days/hours there are till it's time for Santa to come back, then do the same with the Easter bunny, the summer hols etc. That might help him realise the timeline, so to speak.

Failing that, get the poor guy his tights and vest and let him enjoy himself! It's not like he won't soon grow out of it...