
Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things that make me happy inside...(It's always been the little things that mean the most)
1.Miracles that happen to people. Its a Great inspiration, along with Testimonies of what God has done in peoples lives!

2. Sheri's flavored Latte's and Mochas. Thats enough to put anyone in a good mood;)

3. Starbucks for the same reason

4. Palm Trees...

5. Warmer weather, relaxing on the beach, I think warm sunny days puts a smile on everyone's face. People feel Better when the sun is shining, its a proven fact!

6. My 3 children getting along well together, I love love love it!

7. When My hubby is in a good mood, seems to make my day better!

8. Having enough money to pay my bills. I don't even care if there's money left over, as long as my bills are paid I can do without the extras!

9. Getting call in requests for hair and spa services, makes me feel appreciated...

10. The feeling you get when The cleaning is finished and a good days work has been accomplished! Along with the last load of laundry, washed, dried and put away!

11. Blogging comments! I love them. I do appreciate the people that take the time to leave an encouraging word! Thank you!

12. Food, I do really love food probably a bit to much:) Especially chocolate- Dark chocolate! We are Blessed to have plenty of food for full stomachs!;)

13. last but not least my Friendships! I don't have a ton but really appreciate the true friends God has Blessed me with!

Happy Thursday Everyone!
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Nadine said...

Sending some No. 11 love in your direction Miss Tina. I enjoyed your list.

Annie said...

I copied your idea for today's post.

Art said...

Really nice post! It put me in such a good mood and made me think of all the things that make me happy. Thanks!

KC said...

oooohhhhh.. here I can help with number 11.. :-)
Happy Thursday Tina..