
Tackle It Tuesday

My Tackles of Before and Afters...Grab a fresh baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookie on your way!


Angela said...

Funny, we just made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies on Sunday night. Great minds think alike, apparently!

Heather said...

I was thinking of making some cookies, but thought the smell might not be good for miss Elena, they look good though. Great Tackles!

Midlife Mom said...

I always have to come by and check out your tackles! You never cease to amaze me with your organization! Good job Tina, as always!! xoxox

Jodi said...

Great tackles! The cookies were delish!! I am going to try the meatloaf next week!!

Shionge said...

I don't like oatmeal on its own but love oatmeal cookies heheheh..

Great job there once again Tina :D