
THURSDAY- 4 Wisdom teeth removed

Today I went into work early ( 7:30) so I could get a couple of my weekly clients finished in time to take my hubby to get his wisdom teeth out! He had 4 being removed today! He was a trooper, My DH is goofy and when on all this anestic he can be even goofier! I guess he was trying to polka dance with the nurses, telling them all about my purple hair (so they had to come in the waiting room to check me out), LOL! Also telling them jokes etc...Well...He is still goofy or should I say loopy acting but not joking now! Poor guy, when we came home I gave him mashed potatoes etc for lunch, and afterwards I told him to smile, he tried;) so here I give you his smile;)

He is really doing GREAT and will be doing better once he takes the percoset;)
I think tomorrow I will Take him shopping with me, he said ok...;)
I am SOOOOO Glad I had mine out when I was 17;)
Happy Thursday!

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Nadine said...

I pray he recovers nicely. It's really tough having all 4 taken out at once. I have never had it done, but I hard it's difficult.

Shionge said...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! ~ for the 4 wisdom teeth being extracted. So sorry to hear this, hope he'll be fine soon.

Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! ~ For replacing the painful experience.

Have a nice weekend Tina!

Jodi said...

Oh poor guy!! I hope he heals quickly!!

The Downing 5 said...

Poor Bill! Been there done that - glad it is over!

Alicia said...

Getting teeth pulled is no fun! I was supposed to have six teeth pulled including all my wisdom teeth pulled this past monday but I only ended up getting two done but man it hurt. I'll be praying for speedy recovery..