
Wordless Wednesday

This dog was seriously waiting patiently for his owner to bring out "HIS" Baskin Robbins ice cream!

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Shionge said...

Oh poor doggy ....I'll bring him some :D

Jodi said...

How cute!!

I've tagged ya in a photo meme, come check it out!

Midlife Mom said...

He looks so cute sitting there so patiently! Not even barking!

What a wonderful Tackle! Your living room is so pretty! What a big job cleaning all of those leaves! Yikes! I take my plants right outside and hose them off and then let them dry in the sun. You are right, it's a big job.

I remember the prom days and at that time we did mostly all updos on the girls if their hair was long enough. It was fun seeing them all prettied up and they would bring pictures of their dresses! Fun but my arms wouldn't take it now! hahahaha!