
Weekend Recap...

This weekend recap post is a bit late, but hey better late then never right?
Friday night we had our last HOME game of the season! We lost but The Band was amazing! They had a new routine and played the song MY SHARONA it was Awesome!!!

Business has been really down and Saturday it had finally picked up for me YEAH!!!
All the businesses on the square in the little town I work had to decorate a pumpkin and pass candy out That Sunday for Halloween Trick or Treaters! Here was our pumpkin! I think My Boss did a pretty good job with it:)

Saturday night Kedric's school had their annual Fun Fest! Child type games, and cake/cupcake walks made it fun! Here is Kedric...
Haha! Adam got into the action and pulled from the lollipop tree...He looks so thrilled don't he? He really wanted to win a cake! But they ran out...Bummer!
Sunday was Amazingly warm in the 70's!!! I am happy to say i enjoyed the good outdoors and walked a Good 8 miles!!! I am not ready for cold weather, it is coming quick! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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1 comment:

Needled Mom said...

8 miles??? Oh my goodness...way to go.

The weekend sounds like fun. I love all of the Halloween events. The kids are growing up way too fast!!!