
"STATE FAIR" MUSICAL...behind the scenes....

Over the weekend a girl from our local church asked If there was any possibility we could donate our time to help them out with doing hair at their local school musical called "STATE FAIR" So Sandy and I thought it would be great advertisement if we did... This past weekend we worked and dashed over there Friday, Saturday and Sunday to do hair for this great event! Below is my cousin Abbey who was in the play... I did her hair different all 3 nights, this was night #1!

Sandy Did the mom in the play her name is Billie! She did fabulous! As did Sandy doing her hair;)
her after look....
This is my Pastors Son Timothy he was the father ( Abel) in the play fantastic job! His mom also was wonderful at doing the make up...

Here is Sandy slicking hair down on "The Nerd"....
Finished look...
Here Sandy is doing the "entertainer"
finished look...
little Ava- 7 yrs old with attitude;)

I have never done hair like this before but was ready to take it on...

wooohoooo....finished look...she looks so natural she could have been born in that era:)
Morgans finished look
set in the era of 1948...I think I impressed myself:)
Yup I think after doing this for 3 days I rocked it;)
We had a great time doing this and fun experience Tiring? YES but fun! Will show more photos of this event tomorrow:)

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