
My 5 Favorite Things that happened this week For more Fridays fave 5 go HERE
#1.My AB CIRCLE PRO and Exercising in general.
#2. Because of all my working out and eating very little I have lost 9 lbs! YIPPEE!!!

#3. Sunshine- We have had all gloomy days (which I normally don't mind) but we need Sunshine and Vitamin D!

#4. Frozen Fudge Brownie Batter Latte at Sheri's Coffee house! what a treat!

#5. Visiting with My friend Tina Today.( Her husbands name is Bill too- what are the odds of that) She is An old Friend from School I have not seen in 20 yrs! So exciting to get back in touch!

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Tinsie said...

Sounds like you've had a great week! Hope the weekend's good too :-)

Midlife Mom said...

Oh how I wish I loved to exercise! I'd rather watch a good story on the Hallmark Channel! :o( With popcorn too!

Shionge said...

Losing weight???? This is awesome....missing you buddy :D

Jodi said...

Way to go on the weight loss!!

HLiza said...

Ooo God sent me to your blog here because He knows I need some motivation after not exercising for a week!