
Christmas Tour

My M&M (above) tree and collection, in basement

Guest Bathroom

My living room

Living room

Wreath in Hall


living room

My christmas Tree, guest bathroom picture, you can't see the blue lights on the garland in the bathroom but they are very blue and look very pretty in the blue bathroom, it is the only blue in the house! MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Karen said...

lovely, Tina, as usual. Your mom does a fantastic job! Merry Christmas, thanks for the tour.

Mama Duck said...

LOVE the M&M tree!! I really must go decorate now - all we've gotten decorated around here is the Christmas tree, yipes!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I love the M and M room! Very beautiful home and your decorations are very festive!! Thanks so much for the tour! Have a blessed Christmas!

Lori said...

M&M tree how cool. Lots of lovely decorations.

Thank you for inviting me in.

Merry Christmas.

Sarakastic said...

You have a lovely home, I love every single picture, especially the living room.

Monica Wilkinson said...

Lovely! M&M's are my favorite - great idea! :)

Pamela said...

Love all the Christmas village carollers! Lovely home thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!

Pamela said...

That's me above, had to create a google acct. to comment on Beta.


Jane said...


Thanks for visiting! I was on a plane last week and the SkyMall catalog has Palm Tree Christmas trees! Pre-lit and everything. I love the m&m stuff. Friends of ours did their babies nursery in m&m. Too cute. When he gets a little too old for that they can turn all that stuff into a Christmas tree collection!

Unknown said...

My husband would love your M&M tree. He started collecting them too. You have a very beautiful home, lovely decorations.
Thanks for inviting us.

Merry Christmas!

Becky said...

I love your M & M room, and all of the colors you've used throughout. Very pretty!

Thank you for sharing, and have a Merry Christmas!

Susie said...

Love all your decorations! So very festive!
Merry Christmas!!

Susanne said...

Your Christmas home is very welcoming! Thanks for the tour!

on the Rock said...

A lovely tour! Your jungle and pine theme is very neat!
Merry Christmas!

Kelli said...

Your M&M room is so fun!! Thank you for having us over and Merry Christmas!

Jenny Quld said...

You have a lovely bright home bursting with Christmas cheer. Thank you for inviting me over, Merry Christmas

theups said...

Beautiful!!!! I love all the photos!!

Mrs. U

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

how delightful!! so much fun! :)

Full of Grace said...

Thanks for the tour- I love your M&M Tree and Display- It is so fun, and can't help but make you smile! :)

Susannah said...

So many wonderful trees. I love palm trees too! (My living room is a jungle full of orchids.) Merry Christmas!

Sandy said...

An "M&M Christmas" - sounds like a theme worth living - and the sugar cookies - they looked so professional. Definitely some sweet tooths in your house!!

Barbara H. said...

I love the garlands everywhere. And and M&M tree! What fun! Everything looks festive!

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Amanda said...

Just gorgeous decorations. I love the elephant.

Jenni said...

What a beautiful home you have! TFS!

PowersTwinB said...

Oh I really enjoyed my tour...Its my first time and I am in wonderment at everyones decorations...I love the M&M tree!