
Chocolate Covered Bananas (frozen)

1st You will need 8 popsicle type sticks, peanuts chopped, 1 pkg Nestle semi- sweet chocolate chips, butter flavor crisco, 8 bananas (not to big), wax paper Stick the bottom of the bananas with the sticks, this part is tricky so they don't fall apart when your dipping them...

Melt 3TBSP. crisco butter flavor shortening with 1 full pkg of Semi sweet NESTLE chocolate chips in the microwave stirring constantly untill smooth...
Chop peanuts, I like nuts some may prefer plain...You can buy them already chopped too,
now dip them in a bowl of chocolate, covering completely and roll in nuts if preferred...
then lay on wax paper for several hrs until really frozen...
Now you have a frozen refreshing treat, YUMMY!! Enjoy,

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Anonymous said...

They look yummy! Will have to make these when the weather warms up :)

Nadine said...

Yummy...that looks so good. It's easy too. Excuse me I have to go to the store now and get a few things...I have a craving.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm... I am starting to do this with my recipes too ~ LOL. My family thinks I am nuts, but its been fun! Now to just post some of them!

Have a great rest of the weekend!


curryegg said...

I feel hungry looking on these pictures.. hehe.. I wanna have some!
May I?

Anonymous said...

Okay, this looks really yummy, but is it yummy? I have never thought to cover my bananas with chocolate.

Annie said...

If I ate fruit, those would be great!
Have a blessed Sunday.

palmtreefanatic said...

These were Delicious and didn't last long!

Mia said...

mmmm I love those yummmmm!

Shionge said...

This is wonderful Tina but what is crisco butter flavor shortening? Is it sweet I will have to check out at our supermarket.

After dipping them in chocolate must we leave it in the fridge or just on wax paper will do?

Thank you for this treat :D

palmtreefanatic said...

Hi Shionge,
Butter flavor crisco is a butter consistency oil...
Wax paper yes But also need to be frozen as it is a frozen chocolate banana...pretty common here in the states! A tasty treat indeed!

Lori_N said...

Oh my goodness...those look soooo delicious. I think I gained 5 pounds just by looking at the picture!

The Edwards said...

I can't wait to make I have always wanted to know how they did it...