Well My oldest Son Adam has decided to shock us
and play 6th grade FOOTBALL this yr!
Adam has never shown a desire for sports. He played T-ball , when he was heading in his KG yr. But was not really mature enough for it. I never was the running mom to go here there and everywhere for such things. I never encouraged sports but never discouraged them either. Adam has never watched a Football game on TV or seen any live game or showed a desire ever. So this was all rather interesting to my DH and Me! I Told him I would support him 100% as long as he did his best and stuck with it! I have since found out it is quite the expensive sport but the hard work and discipline is paying off! Some may already know and some not but I have gone through some struggles with Adam's Behavior in the past year and besides spending more quality family time I think the disciplining of this football bit is really doing wonderul things for Adam! I can see his confidence lifting too! I have to say they work those boys HARD! It is 90 plus degrees and they are doing VERY hard fast paced excersises. However, I am not seeing any problems. Adam loves it! Probably way more then he ever thought possible! All I can say is PRAISE THE LORD. I feel it is a breakthrough for All of us!
These are photos of him after he came home from practice! He has been in it for 2 weeks and at the end of the month he will have his 1st game! It is quite exciting!

These are photos of him after he came home from practice! He has been in it for 2 weeks and at the end of the month he will have his 1st game! It is quite exciting!
That is such wonderful news Tina.. I have had Adam in my prays as you know, and it is so good to see God working His will in Adams life now. I hope this continues for you and him.
I know I do more running then most, but even if we didn't do as much running for sports, I have always felt sports was a very good thing for kids to take part in. both DH and I played as kids and in high school.. We have never pushed the kids to play sports but they all seem to take after there mom and dad and love to play, sometimes I think they love it too much LOL.. I mentioned it before but I had to say No to Aubrie this year with the cheerleading for the football because she was just in WAY too many things and I just couldn't keep up. I shouldn't say I told her no cheerleading, what I told her was she couldn't do both cheerleading and the two softball teams, if she wanted to do cheerleading she would have to give up one of the traveling softball teams.. Well softball is her passion so she said good by to the cheerleading, other wise I would have been at all of Adams football games watching Princess cheer. Adam is going to love being on the football team.. not just for the love of the game but all the stuff they do for the boys at school. Every thursday night they go around and decorate the boys locker(and the cheerleader lockers) So friday when the boys are wearing there jerseys to school they also find there locker decorated wishing them luck for the game that weekend, and the pep ralley they have are also great fun.. Something about walking around the school in uniform is always exciting.. I think that is what Princess is going to miss the most about not cheerleading this year LOL.
That is great news!! Esp since this is something that he has chosen to do. I have heard that middle school football is tough here. I know of some kids who dropped out because the coaches were so tough on them. The fact that he is still involved two weeks later is awesome!! I hope it continues. Many blessings on your family!
Good going, Adam! I'm glad he's enjoying it! Sports are a good way of learning how to deal with life. I hope it's a good experience for him.
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