

My Dear Friends From Florida! Ruth and George! Teri Shelly and I Worked for them for yrs and still keep in touch with them! I love them and miss them so much! One time a year is not enough to see them anywho...We had a lovely evening! Dinner was a great hit, and dessert turned out WONDERFUL! Here is a photo of Shelly, Ruth, George, and Teri...

George and Teri, awwwwwww.......
Teri and I, she is too good to me! She has been taking each of the children out on dates. She took Jelena out on a Date to see the new Harry Potter movie, next night took Adam out to see Transformers, and Kedric 's date is coming soon this weekend!
Ruth Teri and George

Ruth, Me and George

oh the memories! Teri and I used to spend the late nights talking and visiting while cleaning the machines after we closed, I remember we used to work 80 plus hrs a week, alot of chatting, those were the good o'l days! I didn't make much money at all, but it was so much fun working with ice cream! I really miss it! BUT whenever I go to a buffet and make my own ice cream cones, OH the stares I get as I can make the best;)
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Shionge said...

This is wonderful Tina to have friends that take care of your kids as well :D

Stayllo said...

It looks like you have some wonderful friends.

BeccA's Buzz said...

I heart old people! Sounds like good times :)

KC said...

Glad you had such a nice time with your friends.

Marcia Francois said...

You look so different from your profile pic - what a gorgeous tan and beautiful hair. Funny I always feel self-conscious around hairdressers because I can count my good hair days on one hand. Maybe that's how people feel with me because I'm an organiser :-)

Organising Queen,
Clutter Control Freak and
Marcia's take charge blog