
Thursday Thirteen

13 Things that we have done this summer!

1. We got Cedar Point Passes and went ALOT!
2. We got Valley Beach passes (to bad they had to close early due to flooding)

3. We got rec center Passes

4. Adam has started getting into a sport Football

5. Went to Cincinnati/ Kentucky for Vacation

6. Went to African Safari Wild life Park

7.Went to Jungle Jims ( a grocery shopping experience)

8. Went to see a movie at the Drive Inn
9.went to Castaway Bay

10.went to the fair

11.We got a Dog

12.We got another box turtle

13. We got school Supplies, and some clothes for school!

It has been a Fun Filled Summer!

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Heather said...

What a fun summer! Great list. Lots of activities you guys have done. I was bummed about VB closing early. Was hoping to have Ethan's b-day party down there. At least you guys have the rec pass, you can still swim there. Did you make it to orientation the other day? Have a great Thursday!

Nadine said...

What a great list of fun things you did this summer and I remember those posts with the great pictures. It was like I went along for the ride.

Midlife Mom said...

You have certainly made the most of your summer and I applaud you! This time that you are investing in your kids lives will pay off and they will remember it forever. Good job MOM!!! xoxo

KC said...

sounds like you had a good summer
You have been tagged over at my blog. go and check it out.

Stayllo said...

Sounds like you have had a great summer. I'm getting so sad that summer is almost over.

Anonymous said...

I know I commented on this today... wonder where it went!! Oh well! Fun summer you all had!! Stop on by, I have tagged you!

Have a great Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great summer :)
I can't wait till our summer...I'm so over the rain and the cold!

Shionge said...

What a great list Tina...you did well :D

Lori_N said...

Great list. I'm bummed too about VB. How was African Safari Wildlife Park? The last time we went, it was scary when all the animals bombarding our car.