
Todays Thursday Thirteen is about Babies...

This is my dear friend Rachel ,here she is 6 days before having baby Christopher. Doesn't she look pretty? This was taken at Mama Lilly's anniversary/reception. So now I list 13 things I love about babies...From my experience!
1.) feeling the baby inside for the 1st time is the most exciting feeling---Thats what makes it all seem so real,
2.) Hearring the heartbeat!
3.) Giving birth is painful but it is the most rewarding thing a mom can do!
4.) Nothing like seeing your baby for the 1st time.
5.) I love the way a new born baby smells, so clean, pure, healthy, fresh!
6.) The expressions they make,
7.)I loved having a baby shower! Every time you have a shower or go to one they are always coming out with new better stuff!
8.) The outfits whether boy or girl they have such cute stuff! This particular outfit ( above) I Had to get baby christopher, WHY? Well It has a palm tree on it, of course;) Pretty cute eh?
9.) Nothing like a sleeping baby! I loved the fact they slept all the time! I mean you can pick them up and they go right back to sleep! I held my oldest one all the time! I had the time is why, and nothing like filling your arms with a baby! Gosh they grow fast!!!
10.)Of course it is fun to take them places and everyone says awwww look at that adorable baby etc!
11.)I loved organizing, baby clothes, diapers, lotions etc. so fun to use all this on a baby!
12.) People make dinner for you! I so loved this part! for at least a week, family and friends spoiled me with a full course meal for my family! Now I am happy to do the same as it blessed me so much! I made Rachels Family dinner yesterday! I loved being in the hospital and nurses waiting on me! It was finer then a hotel stay! I still have never gotten such treatment and knew this so I enjoyed every min of being pampered!!! I did tell them when they called me asking how they could improve our stays...
13.)The miricle of the whole thing! What a Blessing from God!
So these are photos I took of baby Chirstopher today!!! Sorry but that is why I was late posting! He is perfect! Not 1 flaw! He has quite the head of dark hair, simply perfect!
I hope you enjoyed the photos!

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Rachel said...

Great pictures!

Stayllo said...

I love your pictures of Christopher and of Rachel. She does look great. Great list too!

Shionge said...

Yoo....such bundle of joy how blissful :D

Thank you for sharing and yes...outfit with the palmtree is beautiful :D

Jenny McB said...

Enjoyed??? Loved the pictures. Your friend looked so healthy and happy pregnant.
I enjoyed having babies also, especially the sleeping part, when you could snuggle with them. What a nice trip down memory lane.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

he really is adorable!

smiles, bee

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

those pics of Christopher are great. that one looks like he is being blinded by the flash. "make it stop! make it stop!"


Anonymous said...

Awwww he's adorable! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute pics....I too miss the whole baby thing. Nothing compares to snuggling with your baby!

penguinsandladybugs said...

I LOVE this list...I got baby fever really bad :)