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HLiza said...

I'm scared of dogs..especially the big ones, but your Maddie looks so happy and loved!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! Happy WW


Anonymous said...

Maddie is the happiest dog I have ever seen. That smile is contagious.

KC said...

cute doggie.. It still makes me smile to think of you opening up your home to a dog..
Happy early WW.

Heather said...

I see your dog has quickly become part of the family:)

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

I KNEW you'd start to love that dog!! hee hee.

Mo said...

awww...how adorable is *that*?!!

Great Pic!

Midlife Mom said...

HAHAHA! That is adorable!! Great WW!

Love your new carpeting on your porch, it is beautiful! Great decorating!

Anonymous said...

That is too cute! You wouldn't believe what our kids have done to the dogs...lets just say our oldest dog takes off running when she sees the dress-up box!!!

Alicia said...

cute dog