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Nadine said...

Is that a doggie seat belt? Love the expression on his face.

Stayllo said...

So cute!! I love the seatbelt!

la bellina mammina said...

Too cute! :-)

Needled Mom said...

How sweet! It looks like he/she is ready for a good ride to the doggie bakery!

Denise said...


KC said...

Do you have that dog in a seat belt..
LOL.. too cute
Happy WW

palmtreefanatic said...

Yes this is a harness that a seat belt slides through it so she really good at the 30 min ride to the groomers;)

Anonymous said...

She's a nice-looking dog, for sure. And the harness for the car is a great idea. Happy WW.

Shionge said...

The ribbon goes well with doggie :D

Michelle P said...

LOL!! Have you considered pet insurance...I mean..you just never know :) LOL

Midlife Mom said...

That is just soooooo cute! I've never seen a doggie seatbelt before but it's a great idea! Keeps them from jumping all over the car when you are trying to drive!

Great Tackle! Her closet looks wonderful!!