Adapted from the bestselling novel, the whimsical, heartwarming comedy The Nanny Diaries concerns Annie Braddock (Scarlett Johansson), a recent college graduate from New Jersey whose nurse mother makes an unsuccessful bid to pressure her into a white-collared business career. Sidetracking this path for more colorful pursuits, Annie accepts a position as nanny and domestic servant for a wealthy couple on the upper east side of Manhattan, known only as "The Xs" (Paul Giamatti) and a heavily coiffed and accoutred Laura Linney). Annie has her first real taste of servant life when she arrives at the family's residence and promptly sinks into Mrs. X's luxury tub, but is soon shuttled off to her own bare-bones room. Face to face, for the first time in her life, with the vast socioeconomic differences between herself and others, Annie must spend her days catering to Mrs. X's every whim, navigating the emotional landmines set by the domineering Mr. X, and tending to the demands of the couple's mischievous and bratty son, Grayer (Nicholas Art). The situation grows a bit more awkward and sticky when Annie begins to fall for a young man who lives near the Xs, whom she's nicknamed Harvard Hottie (Chris Evans), leading her to seriously reevaluate her career goals and priorities. ~ Nathan Southern, All Movie Guide
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We just saw the Game Plan last week and loved it! We'll have to check out the other one.
I watched and reviewed Nanny Diaries and I really liked it. We just watched The Game Plan last night. Elena picked it out for the family to watch and I was surprised and how good it was! We all liked it. Thanks for your reviews! 2 Good Movies!
I always wanted to see Nanny Diaries. Thanks for the recommendation.
I want to see both of these!
We watched them BOTH. LOVE THEM!!Been thinking alot both you guys! How this week is filled with GOODNESS!
We saw the game plan last week - really cute. This weekend we rented Underdog (Good Movie!) and Evan Almighty (Hilarious!)...
Those are two movies I want to see. I tell ya if I ever get a night where I can watch a movie I'm going to rent those.
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